Summer school on uncertainty at work 2023

A summer school to explore uncertainty
Global developments, such as economic crises and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, make uncertainty ever more salient for individuals, organizations, and society at large.
Building on two very successful conferences on uncertainty in 2018 (organized by Sharon Alvarez in Pittsburgh and by Mark Griffin and Gudela Grote in Ascona), the summer school will bring together leading scholars and doctoral students from various (sub)disciplines in psychology, management, and organizational sciences.
The aim is to compare and contrast different conceptual and methodological approaches to examining uncertainty regulation, with a focus on work as a particularly relevant social context. The predominant view of uncertainty reduction as the main motivational driver will be debated in light of recent research on exploration and learning in cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and strategic management. New interdiscliplinary perspectives will be discussed and foundations built for an emerging community of uncertainty researchers.
Download Final Program (PDF, 380 KB)
Organising committee:

Details and registration
The Summer School will begin with a reception and welcome dinner on 18 June. Sessions will run from 19 to 23 June. The conference will end on 23 June with a farewell lunch. In the spirit of Monte Verità conferences, participants are expected to stay for the whole period of the conference. For more information on the Centro Stefano Franscini, please see
The Summer School registration fee is 200 CHF; full board and lodging for the entire conference will be approximately 850 CHF, depending on the chosen accommodation. A number of grants will be available for PhD students.
1 November 2022
Declaration of interest
Please send an email noting your interest to
1 February 2023
Submission of extended abstracts (approx. 1000 words)
Please submit your abstract to
31 March 2023
Notification of acceptance
1 June 2023
Submission of full papers