Examples of formerly supervised theses
- The Relationship between Unethical Behaviors and Creativity (Federico Magni)
Measuring Creativity in Organizations (Federico Magni)
- Integenerational knowledge sharing in organizations
- Role of trust and relationships in geographically distributed teams: exploratory study on development sector. (MTEC MSc-thesis which was external page published in a journal later)
- What stops innovators to do business? A study on the innovation ecosystem in Tanzania (MTEC MSc-thesis)
- Communicability aspects of requirements specifications (MTEC MSc-thesis)
- Scrum-Praktiken für erfolgreiche Software-Projekte (MTEC MAS-thesis)
- Erneuerung des Lohnsystems und der Leistungsbeurteilung. Grundlagen, Analyse, Konzepte, Umsetzung (MTEC MAS-thesis)
- A cross-cultural analysis of the relationship between power distance and teamwork climate, job satisfaction & working conditions in the health care systems in Mexico and Switzerland (MTEC MAS-thesis)
- The importance of experience and communication in anesthesia teams and their relation to team performance in unanticipated difficult intubation situations (MTEC MAS-thesis)
- Koordination in Organisationen: Zeitersparnis unter Verwendung vom Online Terminplaner Doodle (MAVT BSc-thesis)
- Das Zusammenspiel von Karriereorientierung und individuellem Laufbahnverlauf – theoretisch evaluiert, empirisch analysiert (MSc-thesis University of Zurich)
- Der Crossover der Arbeitsmarktfähigkeit in Doppelverdiener-Paaren (MSc-thesis University of Zurich)
- Laufbahnorientierung und HRM (ZHAW MSc-thesis)