Contributions by Members of our Chair at EAWOP

From 29th of May to 1st of June, the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) will be holding their 19th congress in Turin, Italy. We are happy to announce that our chair is represented with several contributions:

by Jacqueline Hohermuth

1. Talk “Career goal attainment in close relationships: How significant others facilitate politicians’ election success” by Angelika Kornblum within the symposium “Crossing borders: Investigating the links between nonwork factors and individual careers”. Scheduled: Thursday, 30th of May, from 11:05 to 12:20 in room Roma.

2. Talk “Grass Roots of Occupational Change: Understanding Mobility in Vocational Careers” by E. Guri Medici. Scheduled: Friday, 31st of May, from 12:30 to 14:15 in room NH Collaudo.

3. Talk “In¬fluenza Vaccination Behavior of Physicians: Psychological Safety's Role in the Prediction of Individual Behavior” by Manuel Stühlinger. Scheduled: Friday, 31st of May, from 14:15 to 16:00 in room Praga.

4. Talk “Career Orientations in Macroeconomic Context: A Comparative Study Across France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland” by Julian Pfrombeck. Scheduled: Friday, 31st of May, from 14:30 to 16:00 in room NH Collaudo.

5. Talk “Welcome Dr. Watson: New Roles and Responsibilities in AI-Supported Healthcare Teams” by Nadine Bienefeld. Scheduled: Friday, 31st of May, from 14.45 to 16:15 in room NH Presse.

6. Talk “Variabilities in the Operating Room: The Importance of Core Team Members’ Coordination Centrality for Surgical Performance” by Surabhi Pasarakonda within the symposium “Responding to the Unforeseeable: The Effects of Behavioural and Environmental Factors on Team Adaptation and Performance”. Scheduled: Saturday, 1st of June, from 9:45 to 11:00 AM in room VIP.

7. Panel discussion “How to Be a Good Reviewer” with Gudela Grote. Scheduled: Saturday, 1st of June, from 9:45 to 11:00 in Foyer Nord.

8. Talk “How to design jobs in sustainable careers? The combined effects of task signifi¬cance and job autonomy for employees in their late career” by Julian Pfrombeck within the symposium “Sustainable late careers and retirement transitions for older workers in the 21st century”. Scheduled: Saturday, 1st of June, from 10:30 to 12:00 in room 500.

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