New book on safety with contribution of Gudela Grote

2.78 million people died last year due to workplace accidents and work-related ill-health.

by Jacqueline Hohermuth

This book is a ‘handbook’ in the simplest sense – to help you, inform you, inspire you, to empower you to take action. It’s an agent provocateur to encourage you to think – just a little bit more – about safety, about your people, and to help you lead forward by creating safety not just trying to prevent accidents. Read the press release Downloadhere (PDF, 240 KB).

Involved are 142 of the world’s most cutting-edge thought-leaders: business executives, top academics, policy-makers (and breakers!), and some of the most important global authorities including the World Health Organisation, the United Nations, the International Labour Organisation, the British Safety Council, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, the International Institute of Risk & Safety Management, the Institute of Leadership & Management, the Institution of Occupational Safety & Health, as well as global legends in their own right. Find the complete contributor list Downloadhere (PDF, 192 KB).

For more information on the ONE PERCENT SAFER movement please go to their external pagewebsite.

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