New publication
The article “Small-Scale Farmers as Experts: Mitigating Secondary Injustices by Co-Designing Technology-Enhanced Learning Through Critical Digital Pedagogy”by Arlette Danielle Román Almánzar, Rebecca Ruehle, Laura Marie Edinger-Schons, Carla Martin, Alyssa J. McDonald-Bärtl and Aniruddh Agarwal is now published in the Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ) special issue: Curated Cases on Social Justice and Digital Technologies.
New publication
The article “‘It wasn’t me’: the impact of social responsibility and social dominance attitudes on AI programmers’ moral imagination (intention to correct bias)" by the authors Arlette Danielle Román Almánzar, David J. Grüning, and Laura Marie Edinger-Schons has been published in the AI & Ethics Journal .
New publication
Ruri Takizawa led the research behind the article “Organizational Crisis in Spotlight Increases Preference for Female but Not Ethnic Minority Leaders: The Role of Signaling Theory for Glass Cliff Appointments”, examining why women and ethnic minorities are appointed as crisis leaders. It is now published in the Social Psychology Quarterly.
New publication
The article, “When a Precarious Position of Power is Perceived as a Glass Cliff: Reactions to Elisabeth Borne's Appointment as Prime Minister”, with Ruri Takizawa as the lead author, has been published in Psychologie Française. It explores interpretations of a precarious leadership appointment.
New AMR article in press
The article "Taming Artificial Intelligence: A Theory of Control-Acountability Alignment among AI Developers and Users" by Gudela Grote, Sharon K. Parker and Kevin Crowston in the Academy of Management Review is now in press.