Sihui Wu has been invited to join a panel of inspiring speakers at the Women in Robotics x ETH event on March 12, 2025. The theme of her talk focuses on her work on diversity and robotics and she will share insights about her career path.
A new theory challenges how firms manage AI. Gudela Grote and colleagues published the paper in the Academy of Management Review. They argue that developers, users, and managers must share control and accountability through dialogue, negotiation, and careful design. The result could reshape how we trust AI.
On 7 March 2025, Sihui Wu and Kim Helmersen will give a guest lecture at the Cornell University, AAP Department of Design Tech, in the “Anthropocentric Models of Making With Cooperative Robots” seminar led by Marirena Kladeftira. Their lecture will feature a research presentation of “What Makes A Good Interaction for Construction Robotics and AI?” and include an interactive workshop that engages the students to blend technology and work design in various use cases.
The article “Small-Scale Farmers as Experts: Mitigating Secondary Injustices by Co-Designing Technology-Enhanced Learning Through Critical Digital Pedagogy”by Arlette Danielle Román Almánzar, Rebecca Ruehle, Laura Marie Edinger-Schons, Carla Martin, Alyssa J. McDonald-Bärtl and Aniruddh Agarwal is now published in the Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ) special issue: Curated Cases on Social Justice and Digital Technologies.
The article “‘It wasn’t me’: the impact of social responsibility and social dominance attitudes on AI programmers’ moral imagination (intention to correct bias)" by the authors Arlette Danielle Román Almánzar, David J. Grüning, and Laura Marie Edinger-Schons has been published in the AI & Ethics Journal .
This workshop taking place in Freiburg/Breisgau, Germany, from March 24 to 26, 2025, offers a platform for networking, collaboration building, and topical exchange for early-career researchers working on interdisciplinary research at the intersection of work and organizational psychology/human factors/management and computer science, likely augmented with philosophical, ethical, and legal perspectives.
We are reaching out to AI companies that seek to establish themselves as leaders in promoting responsible AI. We aim to understand AI developers' design mindsets and the working conditions conducive to a proactive while also reflective approach to addressing AI's opportunities and challenges. Thereby, companies can be supported in gaining competitive advantage in ways that address both their technical and social responsibilities.
In today's fast-paced world of work, uncertainty is a constant companion. From technological advancements to changing market dynamics, it is something we all face daily. Rather than fearing uncertainty, what if we could harness its potential?
The chair received funding by the Mobility Initiative for the research project “Designing explainable ML-based systems for collaborative work in the railways” in collaboration with Siemens Mobility and the Swiss National Railways, and doctoral student Lena Schneider working on it. It started in Sepember 2022 and runs for 36 months. For this project we are hiriing a Postdoctoral Researcher. See add here:
The chair of Work and Organizational Psychology invites to a summer school on uncertainty at work in Ascona, Switzerland, from June 18 to 23, 2023. Deadline for a delaration of interest is November 1st, 2022, and should be sent to Link to conference page: